Over 15 years of experience in unlocking talent, thriving performance and increasing employee engagement out of diverse international HR and Sales positions
Professional experience gained in international groups (eg. DPDHL, Siemens, Renault Trucks) as well as startups (eg. Globalpark)
Research experience (eg. Max Planck Institute; Helmholtz Research Center)
Work experience in NGOs
Has worked in Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Peru
Accredited Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation (2021)
Digital Professional: Studied Digital Marketing in Germany (2019)
MSc Psychologist: Studied Psychology in Germany and Spain (2000 – 2006)
Half French half German
Influenced by agile mindset and a transactional analysis oriented approach
Do you want to know what I use psychometrics for or what my heart topic is? Then listen to my interview with my mentor, Dr. Stephanie Robben-Beyer, or watch my video on parental leave:
Associate Certified Coach and member of the International Coaching Federation
PG Certificate in Personal and Business Coaching from Barefoot Coaching Ltd which is accredited by the University of Chester and the ICF
Certified TIFF© provider (Temple Index of Functional Fluency)
Certified Mental Health First Aider
Certified Digital Professional from Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin
MSc in Psychology from Technical University Berlin recognized globally as an excellent research university.